Panini, the great Vedic grammarian from the Panch Api (the Punjab), is resting in the ashram of his follower and commentator, Maharishi Patanjali and while the two meet the disciples of the great grammarians greet each other.
A Conversation on Perfection in Education:

From all knowledge in one campus to all knowledge in one brain ⋅ Giving all knowledge in one minute, one hour, one week, one month and one year ⋅ Education for enlightnemnt is drawing up all possibilities for all accomplishment in life from the ocean of Veda (Total Knowledge) 
⋅ Atma, Buddhi, Manas, Atharvan, Vivart, Kayagni, Vayu Akasha –out of Atma, Self-referral awareness, arises the universe ⋅ All is sequentially elaborated from the beginning ⋅ What is at the beginning and at the end is in the middle also ⋅ Atma, Pure Self-referral consciousness is at the beginning and at the end so it is in every step in between ⋅ The sequence of transformation (Parinamvad) results in the state of consciousness that sees no transformation (Vivartvad), just unity ⋅ Fear is born of Duality so even a little of this Dharma delivers from great fear ⋅ 

⋅ The enlivenment of the Laws of Nature ‘averts the danger that has not yet come.’ ⋅ All the Laws of Nature are enlivened by the experience of the Transcendental field––Pure Self-referral awareness ⋅ Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras gives one the experience of the Transcendental Field, the home of all the Laws of Nature ⋅ The Richas of the Veda are structured in the ‘Kshara’ of ‘A,’ in the Transcendental Field where reside all the impulses of creative intelligence responsible for the entire manifest creation ⋅ The coherence created by group practice of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras destroys the enmity in the enemy––‘In the vicinity of coherence violent tendencies diminish’ ⋅ ‘In Kali Yuga the strength lies in the group’ ⋅ The deep silence created by the group dynamics of consciousness enlivens the structure of Pure Knowledge and its infinite organising power ⋅ 
The sounds of the Veda enlivening total Natural Law in Vedic Agriculture
The structure of Pure Knowledge zooms forth in the awareness of him who is awake ⋅ In that state the reality, Brahm, is established in himself ⋅ The reverberations of the Self emerge from here (the self-referral state) and remain here (within the self-referral state) ⋅
All the impulses of bliss, knowledge and its infinite organising power, emerge from here and remain here ⋅ The Atma alone, that state of the simplest form of awareness alone, is worthy of seeing, hearing, contemplating and realizing ⋅ The simplest form of awareness, the Atma, should not just be realized but should be seen, heard and contemplated upon with one’s intellect and finest feelings.

The tree's commentary:
Just as possession of a diamond is enhanced by intellectual knowledge so that state of the simplest form of awareness is also enhanced by intellectual understanding ⋅ Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras enliven the finest value of the senses, mind, feelings, intellect and ego ⋅ They are a scientific approach to improving the total situation in society ⋅ Engineering based on this level of Natural Law is much more profound and comprehensive than engineering based on partial knowledge of nature’s functioning ⋅ ‘By analysis and synthesis (at this most powerful level of Nature’s functioning), the indivisible unity is realized in this world of infinite diversity’ ⋅ The sounds of the Vedas create mini-stirs in the memory that nourish everything with the vitality and support of the total Potential of Natural Law that ad-mini-stirs creation 

⋅ When everything is enriched by the sound of the Veda people do not get bound by the space-time boundaries of their actions ⋅ Instead they seek enlightenment ⋅ ‘Now from here the desire to know Brahman’. 
This conversation leads to the conversation in the seventh book on the Brahma Sutras and how the Vedas are organised.
See BOOK 7: Dividing up the Veda with Veda Vyasa